Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Around (A New Song)

I don’t feel you tonight
The mood just don’t seem right
I wish your were around.
I don’t even think you’re
Here with me, all alone in fear
I know you’re not around.

You’re not around, you’re not around;
You are nowhere to be found
You cannot be around, you’re not around.

The moon seems darker than
Before you promised me,
That you would always be around.
Now I’m sitting here just doubting
All you said and hoping
You’ll come back around.

Come back around, Come back around;
I’m wondering where you are right now
And hoping you’ll come back around, come back around.

I remember now, you said
I won’t always feel
But still you’ll be closer than around.
You promised me you’d make your home
Inside me, and always you will guide me
Reminding you’re around.

You’re all around, you’re all around;
You are everywhere I look
You are closer than around, your all around

© 2009 Kyle Turver


Krista said...

awesome song Kyle!

Abby said...

Man Kyle, you seem to write songs that always fit what is going on in life. Just like your "walking on water" song. Love them both, I am excited to hear it with music someday..that is if you will ever play it for me ;) Love you and miss you!