Sunday, May 24, 2009

Story Time: Sorry Utz

This is a story of true friendship. . . 

Once upon today, my good ol' pal Mike was kind enough to get up at 5:00am to take Jess and I to the airport for a flight that was to leave at 8:00am.  Bright eyed and bushy tailed, he arrived ten minuets early.  After a quick pit stop at Starbucks, we were on our way and arrived at the airport around 6:25am; we said our good byes and parted ways. Jess and I walked up to the kiosk to check in; the machine printed a receipt that said, "Two early for check in."  Turns out, I had booked a 11:30am flight and gotten it mistaken for the time of our return flight.  

Now, most friends are be willing to take their friends to the airport.  It may be the only sense of duty that our culture has retained.  But, Mike was willing to go above and beyond for the sake of friendship . . . 

At this point, I thought it would be funny to send a sarcastic text message to my good friend Mike to tell him the humorous mistake that I had make.  This is what I sent: "Could you come back and pick us up so we can go home and take a nap?  Turns out I was mistaken and our flight doesn't leave til 11:30. Oops ;)"  In my mind, the sarcasm would come though just from the sadistic nature of the the request.  When he responded, "Okay" I quickly jumped to remedy any confusion by replying back, "Joke" and then a second message that said, "But seriously, it doesn't leave til 11:30."  Shortly following this text message, I got a phone call, it was Mike.  He wanted to know if I really did need him to come back and pick us up.  Thinking he was continuing on the joke, because this is what we usually do, I laughed and said, "No."  He then informed me that he had already turned around and was heading back for the airport.  All I could do was start laughing in the middle of the Airport.  Through loud belly laughs I tried to tell him about what I had meant by the text messages.  He was quite relieved and I felt terrible but could not stop laughing!  Mike, laughing as well at this point said, "I was going to do it but knew I was going to have to deal with being angry at you for awhile."  

But on a more serious note, what kind of friend would be willing to just turn around and fulfill such a ridiculous request?  Turns out Mike would, with out even challenging it.  To Mike I say, "Thanks brother and sorry about the confusion."  To the rest reading this I say, "Sarcasm + Text + 7am = Sardisticism."    

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